September 10, 2010

Guess We Have to Stock Up on Baby Toothpaste

For the past three months, Carrie and I attributed all of Grace's otherwise unexplained bad moods and sleepless nights to the start of teething.  And, for three months we've been wrong.  That all changed about a week ago, when not one but two teeth cut their way through her bottom gums.

Yeah it's blurry.  You try taking a picture of a wiggling baby.

By the time her teeth finally arrived, I was surprised how untraumatic it seemed.  Grace only had one truly sleepless night and a couple of grumpy days, but it wasn't the nightmare I expected teething to be.  Even now, with an upper tooth or two looking like they're about to poke through, she isn't miserable all day long.  It's more like a horrible couple of hours that can be remedied with food, play and aspirin.  Just as if she was an adult.

Now, writing about teething is pretty dry, and I'm doing my best to keep this blog from being overly cutesy.  So in that spirit, I decided to name all of her teeth as they come in.  So without further ado...

Still blurry, I know.  They're teeth, you can imagine what they look like.

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